*Slaps roof of car* This article can fit so many car salesman memes in it


Weird millennial humor is at it again. 

Car salesmen have an unfortunate stereotype: a bit greasy, a little sneaky, and very eager to pawn off a hunk of metal as an amazing deal with features you didn’t even know you needed. This meme shows exactly what people want when they buy cars. 

The car salesman meme took over social media over the past week, gracing all of us with variations of the bizarre joke. 

car salesman: *slaps roof of car* this bad boy can fit so much fuckin spaghetti in it pic.twitter.com/cs3iXrdXPa

— мирко (@MirGucci) June 25, 2018

The meme appears to have originated from a 2014 tweet, adapted by @MirGucci with a poorly drawn stock illustration.  Read more…

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*Slaps roof of car* This article can fit so many car salesman memes in it syndicated from https://barbarawalston.wordpress.com/

Author: JohnEllrod

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