How to Insert an Animated GIF into a PowerPoint Presentation

During a presentation, a mix of different media types keeps things entertaining, and a well-placed animated GIF is no exception. You can use them to convey a message, demonstrate an activity, capture the audience’s attention, or just add some humor.

Insert a GIF in PowerPoint

Inserting a GIF in a PowerPoint slide is just as easy as inserting any other image. Go ahead and locate the GIF that you’ll be using. In this example, we’ll use this awesome Final Fantasy VI GIF.

Final Fantasy VI Victory Dance

Next, go ahead and open up the PowerPoint presentation and navigate to the slide into which you’ll insert the GIF. Once there, head over to the “Insert” tab and click the Pictures” button.

Insert Gifs in PowerPoint

In the window that opens, browse to the location of the GIF, select it, and then click “Insert.”

Select and insert gif in PowerPoint

The GIF will now appear in the slide.

Gif as Image in PowerPoint

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How to Insert an Animated GIF into a PowerPoint Presentation syndicated from

How to Insert an Animated GIF into a PowerPoint Presentation syndicated from

Author: JohnEllrod

I am dedicated to work on mobile app discovery service to help consumers and businesses find iOS and Android applications. I hope our review on various App will help everyone to find out solution of day to day activities. My recent work include deep search on various spy app and how you can use them cautiously for your advantage.

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